Catálogo 2023 Españhol

¡Cambia ahora! 10 consejos sobre cómo planificar su mudanza con la organizadora personal Fabiana Santos.


2020 was an amazing year. With the advent of a pandemic in the middle of the 21st century, everyone had their lives transformed, and many people started to be full time inside their homes. Then the need arose to adapt homes to the reality of the home office, to the children's online classes, and to keep them places that & nbsp; & nbsp; provide leisure. As a result, it was necessary for people to review their habits and their current homes, giving a new meaning to what families really expect from their homes, which is quite different from what they wanted before.

For this reason, there has been a significant increase in the number of home changes in Brazil, in which more than 50% of the population are looking for larger apartments and houses with well-divided environments. These characteristics became necessary and very important in times of social isolation.

And then, when thinking about change, most people already have a cold in their belly, just thinking about packing all their things, unpacking them and putting each one in its proper places. It seems that this process will never end, does it? Have you tired, stressed out and almost given up moving when thinking about it all? Reassure your heart because there is a solution.

As a Personal Organizer, I love being able to be at this stage in people's lives. Everything new and that smell of renewed life and lots of happiness in the air.

Pre- and post-residential move were the items that most appeared on my agenda from November 2020 to this month and, thinking about it, I will put here for you some tips on how to organize your move, if you want to do it on your own. Let's go?

1- Planning is the key to success for both pre and post-change. So, make a plan. Knowing the month in which you want to move will help in the home transition process, such as changing the address of correspondence, turning off the electricity, telephone and internet of the current home and activating these services in your new home, so that everything is in perfect working order.

2- With the date set, now is the time to practice that basic detachment from what you have and do not intend to take it to a new home. This is for all personal items, clothes, crockery, decoration and kitchen items. Do an analysis of all your things. Everything! Because, after all, your new home deserves to have everything you love and that, in fact, will make you happy in your new home.

3- Make a plan with the areas of the new house and use colored papers for each area. You will understand why in tip 7.

4- Measure the height and width of the doors of the new house to find out if the furniture will pass through the doors or if they will need to be lifted.

5- If you move to an apartment or house with a condominium, check the condominium rules related to the move, such as days and times allowed.

6- Basic hygiene care is essential. & Nbsp; Therefore, the use of gel alcohol, masks, soap and water to wash hands should always be used.

7- Time to pack! You have the option of hiring a carrier that will pack everything for you with suitable packaging, provide trolleys to transport your clothes and a safe place for storing your electronic equipment. Considering hiring a carrier at this time, there is no saving, as she will be responsible for the items you choose to move to your new home. Therefore, it is important to hire a company that specializes in moving and has a guaranteed cargo. It is also essential to make a checklist of everything that is being taken by the company from the old house and make sure that your belongings have arrived at the current residence.

If you choose to pack everything on your own, when putting your things in the box, make a list of what is in it on a label with the color corresponding to the room (those colors you chose when you made the plan for your new house, following tip 4). This will make it easier to unload the boxes and direct them to the correct environment.

8- While you are packing and packing your things, prepare a box for the first days after moving in with the essential items of your daily life, such as personal care products, pajamas, change clothes, bathing suits, basic kitchen utensils and cleanliness. It is important to remember that personal documents must go with you.

9- Little by little, empty the refrigerator a week before the move.

10 - It takes work to move, isn't it? But, if you choose to hire a carrier and a Personal Organizer, this moment will be lighter and everything will be organized in the correct disposition, as products and techniques will be used suitable for a functional organization that will thus facilitate to be maintained by yourself in the day by day. With the help of professionals, you will have a

company specialized in transporting change and with secured cargo. It is also essential to make a checklist of everything that is being taken by the company from the old house and make sure that your belongings have arrived at the current residence.

If you choose to pack everything on your own, when putting your things in the box, make a list of what is in it on a label with the color corresponding to the room (those colors you chose when you made the plan for your new house, following tip 4). This will make it easier to unload the boxes and direct them to the correct environment.

8- While you are packing and packing your things, prepare a box for the first days after moving in with the essential items of your daily life, such as personal care products, pajamas, change clothes, bathing suits, basic kitchen utensils and cleanliness. It is important to remember that personal documents must go with you.

9- Little by little, empty the refrigerator a week before the move.

10 - It takes work to move, isn't it? But, if you choose to hire a carrier and a Personal Organizer, this moment will be lighter and everything will be organized in the correct disposition, as products and techniques will be used suitable for a functional organization that will thus facilitate to be maintained by yourself in the day by day. With the help of professionals, you will have a completely stress free home move.

My name is Fabiana Santos, founder and Personal Organizer in the “Queens of the Organization”; Graduated in business administration with an emphasis on MKT, I decided to leave the industrial sales market and take a chance on entrepreneurship and, discovering the area of ​​the organization and the transformation it impacts on people's lives, I fell in love. & nbsp; I've been in the area for 4 years now and I love what I do today.

The Queens of the organization is present on social networks:

Instagram and Facebook @ queensdaorganização.

Youtube: href = "">

Whatsapp: (11) 92001-7977


Queens of the Organization, the organization that fits in its time.